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Maximum Heart Rate Calculator

Maximum Heart Rate CalculatorIs a tool for calculating a person's maximum heart rate. Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) refers to the maximum number of heart beats per minute. This tool is often used in the field of sports health to help users set exercise intensity reasonably.

Maximum heart rate calculation formula:

The most common formula for calculating maximum heart rate is based on age:

Max Heart Rate = 220 -Age

For example, if you are 30 years old, your maximum heart rate is calculated as:

Max Heart Rate = 220 - 30 = 190

Main functions:

  • Automatically calculate maximum heart rate: Users simply enter their age and the tool automatically calculates their maximum heart rate.
  • Exercise Intensity Reference: Depending on the percentage of maximum heart rate, the tool can give different exercise intensity references, such as 50%-60% for low intensity, 70%-80% for medium intensity, and 85%-95% for high intensity.
  • Suitable for all sports: Whether it's aerobic exercise such as running, swimming, cycling, or interval training, you can use this tool to set a target heart rate range.

Usage scenario:

  • Fitness training: Help users maintain the right heart rate range during exercise, ensure cardiovascular health, and improve exercise efficiency.
  • Fat reduction program: Aerobic exercise helps fat burning and weight control by staying within an appropriate percentage of maximum heart rate.
  • Sports rehabilitation: In the process of exercise rehabilitation, reasonable exercise intensity is set according to individual maximum heart rate to help patients recover physical fitness safely.
  • Competitive training: Using maximum heart rate as a reference during high-intensity training can help athletes improve their cardiopulmonary endurance and optimize training results.


Maximum heart rate is only an estimate. Actual heart rate may vary from individual to individual. It is recommended to use heart rate monitoring equipment to ensure safety during high-intensity exercise.