PDF metadata reader
PDF metadata reader
[Text Tools]

Read metadata information from PDF files

carriage return to HTML newline
carriage return to HTML newline
[Text Tools]

Convert carriage returns to HTML br line feeds or paragraph tags p

Text List Data Column Extraction Tool
Text List Data Column Extraction Tool
[Text Tools]

Extracts data for a specified column in a text list

Chinese-Japanese-Korean English mixing tool
Chinese-Japanese-Korean English mixing tool
[Text Tools]

Improve the quality of article layout

English numerals to bold tool
English numerals to bold tool
[Text Tools]

Convert English numbers to bold text

text list subtraction calculation
text list subtraction calculation
[Text Tools]

Compute text list subtraction part

Text list union computation
Text list union computation
[Text Tools]

Compute text list union parts

Text list intersection calculation
Text list intersection calculation
[Text Tools]

Compute Text List Intersection Portions

Text Line Editor
Text Line Editor
[Text Tools]

Preserve or clear text lines containing specific strings

Text Extraction Specific String Tool
Text Extraction Specific String Tool
[Text Tools]

Regular expressions extract specific strings from text

Pinyin Tone Removal Tool
Pinyin Tone Removal Tool
[Text Tools]

Return Pinyin without tones

continuous dictionary string generator
continuous dictionary string generator
[Text Tools]

String generator for consecutive letters, Greek letters, Japanese katakana, etc.

Blank PDF Generator
Blank PDF Generator
[Text Tools]

Generate blank PDF files

File Suffix Case Conversion Tool
File Suffix Case Conversion Tool
[Text Tools]

Convert file suffixes to upper or lower case

Text line formatter
Text line formatter
[Text Tools]

Format each line of text according to a specified rule

English Open Text Generator
English Open Text Generator
[Text Tools]

Generate English hollow text effect

Chinese character stroke separation
Chinese character stroke separation
[Text Tools]

Decomposition of Chinese Character Strokes by Stroke Order

Chinese character writer
Chinese character writer
[Text Tools]

Chinese character stroke sequence animation demonstration and practice quiz

Insert Symbol in Text tool
Insert Symbol in Text tool
[Text Tools]

Insert the specified symbol between any two characters in text

QR code generator
QR code generator
[Text Tools]

Generate QR code picture

Text Batch Filter Odd Even Lines Tool
Text Batch Filter Odd Even Lines Tool
[Text Tools]

divided into two parts according to odd and even numbers

Text Batch Replacement Tool
Text Batch Replacement Tool
[Text Tools]

Batch replacement string

Text Batch Finder
Text Batch Finder
[Text Tools]

Batch search for multiple string occurrences

Domain Suffix Removal Tool
Domain Suffix Removal Tool
[Text Tools]

Domain Suffix Removal Tool

False word random generator
False word random generator
[Text Tools]

False word random generator

File MD5 Calculator
File MD5 Calculator
[Text Tools]

Calculate MD5 value of file

Chinese Text to Pinyin Tool
Chinese Text to Pinyin Tool
[Text Tools]

Chinese to Pinyin, Links, Initials

Chinese name and surname pinyin conversion tool
Chinese name and surname pinyin conversion tool
[Text Tools]

Name conversion to Pinyin

Name Last Name Sorting Tool
Name Last Name Sorting Tool
[Text Tools]

List of first names sorted by last name

Text List to JSON Tool
Text List to JSON Tool
[Text Tools]

Convert lists to JSON data

JSON Array to List Tool
JSON Array to List Tool
[Text Tools]

Convert JSON data to lists

JSON to Excel tool
JSON to Excel tool
[Text Tools]

Convert JSON data to Excel file format

Text Item Split Copy Tool
Text Item Split Copy Tool
[Text Tools]

Split into individual items, quick click copy

Paragraph HTML Convert Line Text Tool
Paragraph HTML Convert Line Text Tool
[Text Tools]

Extract text from HTML paragraphs

Numeric List Sorting Tool
Numeric List Sorting Tool
[Text Tools]

Ascending, Descending, Random, Reverse Sort

digital zero padding
digital zero padding
[Text Tools]

Add zero of any length before the number

Digital Prepad Zero Removal
Digital Prepad Zero Removal
[Text Tools]

Remove any length of digit zero preceding a digit

Numeric Thousand Separator Removal Tool
Numeric Thousand Separator Removal Tool
[Text Tools]

Remove thousands separator from numeric values

Online Text Line Plus Blank Line Tool
Online Text Line Plus Blank Line Tool
[Text Tools]

Add a blank line after each line of text

Online blank line counter
Online blank line counter
[Text Tools]

Count the number of all blank lines in the text

List to Text
List to Text
[Text Tools]

Convert lists to text

Text to list
Text to list
[Text Tools]

Convert text to list

Text Vertical Tool
Text Vertical Tool
[Text Tools]

a sort of book-like vertical typography.

Get string length
Get string length
[Text Tools]

Counting the number of characters in a string

Find the longest or shortest line tool
Find the longest or shortest line tool
[Text Tools]

Find the longest or shortest line in a document or text paragraph

compares two strings
compares two strings
[Text Tools]

Check if two strings are the same

Sort text by length
Sort text by length
[Text Tools]

Sort text lines by character length

String Repeat Tool
String Repeat Tool
[Text Tools]

Repeat a string multiple times

Inverted text string
Inverted text string
[Text Tools]

Output text in reverse order

Reverse output text lines
Reverse output text lines
[Text Tools]

Output text lines in reverse order

Delete extra spaces
Delete extra spaces
[Text Tools]

Remove unwanted spaces from text

Delete a line containing a string
Delete a line containing a string
[Text Tools]

Keep or delete rows containing a string

Delete line breaks
Delete line breaks
[Text Tools]

Remove line feed (carriage return) from text

Remove leading trailing spaces
Remove leading trailing spaces
[Text Tools]

Remove leading trailing spaces from text

Prefix and suffix text
Prefix and suffix text
[Text Tools]

Add a prefix suffix to each line of text

URL Extractor
URL Extractor
[Text Tools]

Extract URLs from text

telephone number extractor
telephone number extractor
[Text Tools]

Extract phone numbers from text

digital extractor
digital extractor
[Text Tools]

Extract integers and floating-point numbers from text

email Extractor
email Extractor
[Text Tools]

Extract email addresses from text

Text line number adding/removing tool
Text line number adding/removing tool
[Text Tools]

Add or delete line numbers before paragraphs

Random Kanji Generator
Random Kanji Generator
[Text Tools]

Random Japanese Kanji Generator

Janpase Word Counter
Janpase Word Counter
[Text Tools]

Number of hiragana and katakana characters

Text Natural Sort
Text Natural Sort
[Text Tools]

Human Cognition Sorting Method

Text Word Wrap
Text Word Wrap
[Text Tools]

Word Wrap Input To A Certain Width

Shuffle Text Lines
Shuffle Text Lines
[Text Tools]

Shuffle Text Lines

Remove empty lines
Remove empty lines
[Text Tools]

Removes blank lines and lines containing only whitespace

Full/Half-Width Conversion
Full/Half-Width Conversion
[Text Tools]

Conversion between Chinese Full-Width Symbols and Half-Width Symbols

Text Diff
Text Diff
[Text tools]

Text Comparison, Comparison, Diff Tool

Pi (π) Calculator
Pi (π) Calculator
[Text Tools]

Generating Pi (π) to Any Number of Decimal Places

Text Deduplication
Text Deduplication
[Text Tools]

Text Deduplication, Removing Duplicate Entries

English Sentences to URLs
English Sentences to URLs
[Text Tools]

Converting English Sentences to URLs for Use as Title Links

English Case Conversion
English Case Conversion
[Text Tools]

English Case Conversion: Title Case, Toggle Case

Online Markdown Editor
Online Markdown Editor
[Text Tools]

Online Markdown Editor

Traditional vs Simplified
Traditional vs Simplified
[Text Tools]

Convert Chinese traditional and simplified characters to each other

English Word Counter
English Word Counter
[Text Tools]

Count the number of occurrences of Chinese, English, punctuation marks, etc. in text fragments