Color display
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Color HSV to RGB tool

The Color HSV to RGB tool converts colors from HSV to RGB.

HSV refers to the three elements of color: hue (Hue), saturation (Saturation), brightness (Value), these three elements can completely describe a color.

  • Hue (hue): indicates the type or type of color, usually measured by angle (0° to 360°), in the hue circle, different angles correspond to different colors, for example, 0° corresponds to red, 120° corresponds to green, 240° corresponds to blue, etc.
  • Saturation (saturation): indicates the purity or gray level of the color. The higher the saturation, the more vivid the color is. When the saturation is 0, that is, the gray level is 100%, the color becomes gray, and the color characteristics are lost.
  • Value (brightness): indicates the brightness or lightness of the color, the value range is usually 0 to 100%, indicating the degree of black to white, the higher the value, the brighter the color, the lower the value, the darker the color.

HSV color space is an intuitive color representation method, which is closer to the way human eyes perceive color, so it is widely used in image processing and computer graphics.