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Introduction to HTML Tag Sanitizer Tool

The HTML Tag Sanitizer Tool is a utility for removing dangerous and unnecessary HTML tags while preserving safe ones. It helps sanitize HTML tags, further converting them into Markdown format for enhanced security.

Main Features:

  • HTML Tag Sanitization: Removes dangerous and unnecessary HTML tags, preserving safe ones.
  • Markdown Conversion: Converts sanitized HTML into Markdown format for increased security.

Usage Scenarios:

Web Content Cleanup: Used to clean up HTML content retrieved from untrusted sources, ensuring only safe tags remain.

Markdown Transformation: Converts HTML content into Markdown format, which is commonly used in platforms where HTML is restricted for security reasons.

Enhancing Security: By removing dangerous HTML tags and converting to Markdown, this tool enhances the security of web content and reduces the risk of cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.