Local IP Address Lookup

Your IP address is:



Time Zone:

Introduction to Local IP Address Lookup Tool

The IP address geolocation lookup tool is a practical utility that retrieves the local IP address and provides information such as geographical location and time zone based on the IP address. The tool offers the following main features:

  1. Get Local IP: Displays the current device's IP address for users to understand their current network connection.
  2. IP Lookup: Users can input an IP address to retrieve information such as its geographical location, city, time zone, and other related details.

Use Cases:

Network Troubleshooting: During network troubleshooting, querying the local IP and related geographical information helps locate network connection issues.

Access Control Management: In website management, checking the user's IP geolocation enables access control and regional management.

Security Protection: By monitoring the geographical location of login IP addresses, abnormal login behavior can be detected promptly, enhancing account security.