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Color RGB to HSL Tool

The online Color RGB to HSV tool converts colors from RGB to HSL. H values range from 0-360, S and L values range from 0-100.

HSL (hue, saturation, brightness) is a way to describe color. It breaks color down into three main attributes:

  • Hue: Indicates the type or type of color. In the HSL model, hue is an angle from 0 to 360 degrees, corresponding to the position of the color on the circular hue ring. 0 degrees and 360 degrees are red, 120 degrees green, and 240 degrees blue.
  • Saturation: indicates the purity or intensity of a color. When saturation is 0, the color is gray, and when saturation is 100%, the color is the most vivid.
  • Lightness: indicates the brightness or lightness of a color. When the brightness is 0%, the color is black, and when the brightness is 100%, the color is white.

Compared with RGB mode, HSL mode describes colors more intuitively, making color adjustment more intuitive and simple.