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English Sentence to URL Tool

The English Sentence to URL Tool is a handy utility that transforms English sentences into valid URL fragments. Users can input a sentence, choose a connector (hyphen or underscore), and specify case conversion (convert to lowercase, convert to uppercase, or keep it unchanged). The tool then outputs a URL-friendly segment, commonly used for creating human-readable URLs.

Usage Scenario:

URL Formation: Ideal for converting English sentences into URL-friendly segments, facilitating the creation of user-friendly and SEO-friendly URLs.

Web Content: Useful for bloggers and content creators who want to generate URLs from English sentences for their articles, blog posts, or web content.

Link Sharing: When sharing links verbally or in written form, converting sentences to URL segments enhances readability and ease of sharing.

How to Use:

1. Enter an English sentence in the input box.

2. Choose a connector (hyphen or underscore).

3. Choose case conversion (lowercase, uppercase, or unchanged).

4. The tool will output a valid URL fragment.

The English Sentence to URL Tool provides a simple and efficient way to transform English sentences into URL-friendly segments for various online applications.