Preserve or clear text lines containing specific strings
Visit Site GithubRegular expressions extract specific strings from text
Visit Site GithubConsecutive, repeated and lucky digit number generator
Visit Site GithubString generator for consecutive letters, Greek letters, Japanese katakana, etc.
Visit Site GithubConvert file suffixes to upper or lower case
Visit Site GithubFormat each line of text according to a specified rule
Visit Site GithubGenerate a file of arbitrary size
Visit Site GithubBatch generation of Snowflake ID identifiers
Visit Site GithubXXTEA encryption and decryption algorithm
Visit Site GithubXTEA Encryption and Decryption Algorithm
Visit Site GithubTEA encryption and decryption algorithm
Visit Site GithubCalculate the difference between two times
Visit Site GithubDecimal time conversion hours minutes seconds
Visit Site Githubproduct of numbers converted into prime numbers
Visit Site GithubDecomposition of Chinese Character Strokes by Stroke Order
Visit Site GithubChinese character stroke sequence animation demonstration and practice quiz
Visit Site GithubPicture common size scale equal scale calculation
Visit Site GithubCalculate days, remaining days, and elapsed days
Visit Site GithubQuick calculation of the day of the year specified
Visit Site GithubQuickly calculate the day of the week on the specified date
Visit Site GithubBMR Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator
Visit Site GithubRemove all GET request parameters following the question mark in the URL
Visit Site GithubInsert the specified symbol between any two characters in text
Visit Site Githubdivided into two parts according to odd and even numbers
Visit Site GithubCalculates interest and maturity on time deposits
Visit Site GithubDaily salary calculated on the basis of monthly salary and working days
Visit Site GithubGenerates a random codebook that can be used to select passwords
Visit Site GithubGenerates a list of the specified number of Fibonacci numbers
Visit Site GithubStatistics such as sum, mean, maximum, minimum, variance, etc. of statistics
Visit Site GithubRandomly generate a specified number of IP addresses
Visit Site GithubEasy to read bank card number formatting
Visit Site GithubEasy-to-read format, grouped 3 - 4 - 4
Visit Site GithubName conversion to Pinyin
Visit Site GithubSplit into individual items, quick click copy
Visit Site GithubExtract text from HTML paragraphs
Visit Site GithubAscending, Descending, Random, Reverse Sort
Visit Site GithubGenerates a specified number of proportional series and calculates the sum
Visit Site GithubGenerates a specified number of arithmetic series and calculates the sum
Visit Site GithubGiven the speed and distance, calculate the time required to reach the destination
Visit Site GithubCalculate the greatest common factor of two given numbers
Visit Site GithubCalculate the greatest common factor of two given numbers
Visit Site GithubGenerates a list of the specified number of prime numbers
Visit Site GithubBatch generation of all combinations of numbers between given 2 values
Visit Site GithubConvert temperature to Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin and Rankine
Visit Site GithubBatch extraction of all website domain names in a string
Visit Site GithubRemove any length of digit zero preceding a digit
Visit Site GithubConvert colors from RGB mode to hexadecimal mode
Visit Site GithubConvert colors from RGB mode to hexadecimal mode
Visit Site GithubRemove thousands separator from numeric values
Visit Site GithubBrowser Device Information UserAgent Query Tool
Visit Site GithubDetermine whether the product has passed the shelf life
Visit Site GithubAdd a blank line after each line of text
Visit Site GithubCount the number of all blank lines in the text
Visit Site GithubA Complete Collection of Common Special Symbols
Visit Site GithubCalculation of stock price fluctuation band
Visit Site GithubConversion between Roman numerals and standard numerals
Visit Site Githubgram and pound conversion to each other
Visit Site GithubCalculate quotient and remainder
Visit Site GithubOnline XML Extraction Plain Text Tool
Visit Site GithubConverting cat years to human years
Visit Site GithubFind the longest or shortest line in a document or text paragraph
Visit Site GithubKeep or delete rows containing a string
Visit Site GithubRemove leading trailing spaces from text
Visit Site GithubConvert centimeters to feet and inches
Visit Site GithubConvert feet and inches to centimeters
Visit Site GithubExtract integers and floating-point numbers from text
Visit Site GithubKeep safe HTML tags and remove dangerous redundant tags
Visit Site GithubImage size proportional scaling,equal proportion calculation
Visit Site GithubPercentage calculation, percentage increase and decrease, percentage of a number
Visit Site GithubSQL online beautification,formatting and compression
Visit Site GithubAdd or delete line numbers before paragraphs
Visit Site GithubCheck IP geographical location, coordinates, and time zone
Visit Site GithubView local IP, geographical location, and coordinates
Visit Site GithubExplained in human readable description
Visit Site GithubRemoves blank lines and lines containing only whitespace
Visit Site GithubConversion between Chinese Full-Width Symbols and Half-Width Symbols
Visit Site GithubString to Hexadecimal and Hexadecimal to String Conversion
Visit Site GithubConverting English Sentences to URLs for Use as Title Links
Visit Site GithubEnglish Case Conversion: Title Case, Toggle Case
Visit Site GithubConvert numbers to uppercase amounts, support traditional and simplified Chinese
Visit Site GithubOnline URL Encoding (URLEncode) and Decoding (URLDecode)
Visit Site GithubHTML Escape (encodeURI) and Unescape (decodeURI)
Visit Site GithubBinary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal Conversion
Visit Site GithubCalculating today, this month, and this year progress
Visit Site GithubJSON formatting, compression, format correction, filtering, sorting
Visit Site GithubGenerate random passwords and support setting password rules of different complexity
Visit Site GithubCompress image size, reduce image size
Visit Site GithubConvert Chinese traditional and simplified characters to each other
Visit Site GithubCount the number of occurrences of Chinese, English, punctuation marks, etc. in text fragments
Visit Site Github